CategoriesGrowing Business
When it comes to small business it is challenging to compete with big brands and grow their business. As big brands are already established in the market, small businesses have to implement out of the box strategies to gain market share or to even make their presence felt in the market.
In today’s era whether it is a small business or established business, having an online presence is like oxygen for any business, and the right use of the technology becomes key to the growth of the business. We can see that technologies like Artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things, Automation is playing an important role when it comes to businesses. Not only the implementation of these technologies helps in branding but it also helps to increase work efficiency, time management and also cost-cutting.

Why business should be online?

There is famous saying that “If your business is not online then, it’s like doing business but not telling anyone”. Use of social media platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, Pinterest has become pivotal to become a successful brand in the market.

1.Building Customer Relationships:

Today almost everyone is active on social media, so having a strong presence on social media helps the brand to interact with its customers and also potential customers, which ultimately is the first step towards building a relationship with your customers. Another benefit of having online presence is you can interact on a personal level with the customers, know their preferences and offer them customized products as per their need.

2. Available 24/7 365 Days:

By having online presence your business is open 24 hours and the customer can buy at their preferable time, which is the biggest advantage of having an online presence. It’s like a salesperson working 24/7 for you.

3.Helps in understanding the buying behavior of customer:

When you have an online presence you can use analytics to observe the behavior of the customers, demographics, time. This helps in understanding your customers well and targeting specific products to specific customers based on their needs, their geographies, etc. 4. If we consider online presence from the marketing perspective, it plays an important role in the marketing and branding of the business, you can serve wider audience. Another aspect of online presence is you can target people according to your niche and also track it. An online presence can be further bolstered by using AI and ML to target customers in need. 5. Having an online presence enables effortless marketing, you are accessible at any time and your brand’s marketing is ongoing 24/7.


Having an Online presence is oxygen for any business. You can target a wider audience. Plays an important role in building a relationship with customers. Easily accessible, no barrier of time, place. It helps in marketing and branding.

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